Cru Tablet Giveaway: August 2013

samsung galaxy tab 750x380Thanks to a generous donation, you could win a free tablet to assist you with your ministry! The tablet is a Samsung Galaxy 7 with Google’s Android system and optimized for Google apps.  It doesn’t come with cell network coverage so you’ll need a wi-fi connection for the internet. Because this tablet is especially helpful for U.S. staff using our new Cru apps, I’m limiting this giveaway to U.S.-based Campus Crusade staff. If you already have a tablet, I ask that you skip this giveaway and give other staff an opportunity to own one.

Read Amazon’s product description to get a good idea of what a fantastic tablet this is!  Knowing the features will help you compose your entry. Do you want to do videoconferencing while traveling? Are you busy with homeschooling, so the tablet will help you check your eMail on-the-go? All we want is 30 to 50 words of what this tablet could mean for you and your ministry.

How do I enter the giveaway?

The winner will be determined by a short response to why this tablet will help you with your ministry. Submit your 30 to 50 word entry any time in August and I’ll aim to have a winner after Labor Day weekend depending on the number of entries I receive (I’m expecting a deluge).


I know that I’ll have a LOT of entries and even anticipate we’ll have trouble choosing between you, so you can do some extra effort in case you’re in with the finalists.

You can “add to your score” by

  1. Having an active subscription to eQuipping for eMinistry (e4e). Sign up here.
  2. Inviting others to subscribe to e4e.
  3. Learning and using 5 Google keyboard shortcuts to become an eMail ninja! Here’s a few to choose from or pick out your own from this list.


Compose Compose a new message.


Archive Archives the conversation, and all future messages skip the Inbox unless sent or cc’d directly to you. Learn more.


Reply all Replies to all message recipients.


Reply Replies to the message sender.


Forward Forwards a message.


Star a message or conversation Adds or removes a star to a message or conversation. Stars allow you to give a message or conversation a special status.


Help Brings up keyboard shortcuts list.


Move thru inbox quickly Archive conversation and go next conversation.


Move thru inbox quickly Archive conversation and go to previous conversation.


Search Moves cursor to search bar.

Fill out the entry form

I’m looking forward to sending this awesome tablet to you! The entry form is on Google Drive for Cru staff. You must access the form with your Cru eMail. If someone doesn’t have Cru eMail for some reason, write me at sus.schmitt at with “Galaxy GIveaway” in the subject line or send a letter to me at Judy Douglass’ office.

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2 thoughts on “Cru Tablet Giveaway: August 2013

  1. Sus,
    Thanks for the shortcuts list. As you may remember, I was hoping for some kind of summary sheet of the shortcuts after the Google Decathlon at CSU. I’ve already started trying to use these. haha. thanks.


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